Sunday 27 November 2016

You might see a lot of drawings of Eggs and Frying Pans?

Our attitude to learning

In Peacocks we have been making sure we choose the right challenge for our brains by talking about different learning zones. To learn about this we have used the 'egg model' where the frying pan is the PANIC ZONE as it is far too hot, but the egg yolk is the COMFORT ZONE because it is warm, gooey and comforting. We decided that the perfect place to ensure good learning is the egg white at this STRETCHES out across the pan just like our brains will be stretching when we learn!

Over the next few weeks we will also be discussing different tools we can use to ensure our brains are ready to learn, considering what we can do to wake us up or cal, us down enough to be a good learner.


We have been doing a mixture of different pieces of writing to term as there have been so many different events happening! We have been reading Iron Man to explore the work of a new author, Ted Hughes, but we have also been reading "A Recipe for Friendship" during friendship week and thinking about how we can be safe on the roads during Road Safety week. Come and have a look at our amazing illustrations of Iron Man using the description Ted Hughes writes in the first chapter! Our genre this term is explanation texts, so now we have practised using conjunctions and continued to improve our handwriting and spelling, we are ready to start putting together our own explanations!


We are all incredibly proud of our recent maths learning where we have all successfully grasped the concept of exchanging! Thanks to the cleaners giving us permission to draw on the tables and LOTS of practise, we can now explain how and why we exchange sometimes when subtracting. Some of us have even done number sentences with TWO exchanges! If you would like to practise more of this at home, remember to use our Steps to Success:

1. Draw the HTO columns and write the first number in.
2. Make or draw the first number.
3. Write the second number underneath.
4. Check for exchanges and do these if necessary.
5. Start from the ones column to do the subtracting
6. Write the number sentence with the answer.


We have been doing a lot of preparation for our art exhibition later this term and have created batik prayer flags and some very complicated 3D shapes to use as Vesak lanterns to celebrate Buddha's birthday! On top of our amazing art-work, we have been considering the question "is it right to keep animals in zoos" by designing our own zoo with a budget and we even have Noah's Ark Zoo Farm coming in to teach us more about conservation later this term! We have also learnt a lot about Buddhism including the 'Four Noble Truths' ... This activity involved lots of sweets and experiencing what it is like to have more or less than others, whether or not you deserve it. Peacocks did an excellent job of learning about sharing and charity, we were all very proud of their responses in this lesson!

Other News and Reminders

Well done to Isobella and Kiyona who won the most recent Class Dojo Points!

Reminder: PE is still on Mondays and Thursdays, please remind children to bring in their PE kit!

Reindeer made out of Lego! 

We said goodbye to our Mr Twit beard this week to make way for a display of all the work we are proud of!

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Sunday 13 November 2016

The start of term 2

We have been doing a lot of boring assessments over the last couple of weeks so in between all of this we have been trying to fit in as much art and PE as possible!

To kick start the new theme of RE this term, we made weaving patterns called "Eye of God".

In year 3 we are doing Buddhism, so we have made Batik prayer flags! These were really tricky but really good fun! 

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